What is a ninja pirate?
I don't know.
Why is your site ninjapirate.com?
I don't know.
How did your site start?
I don't know.
How much traffic do you get?
I don't know.
Blah blah blah link exchange?
Blah blah blah my own webpage?
Blah blah blah blah the best page in the universe.
I know.
Were you high/drunk/trippin when you wrote [article]?
Probably not.
Where are you from?
Does it suck?
What kind of music do you listen to?
Terrible question.
Can I send you a shitty email?
Will you reply?
I'll be frank with you.
When you email me, I'm going to spend a few seconds Googling you. If I find that you're a not-fat girl, I'll read your email and most likely reply to it.
If you're a guy, I'll probably read a few sentences and delete it.
I don't know why this is. It's totally illogical. But it's how I operate, so don't take it personally.