Go home (ur drunk)

A guide to different kinds of travel luggage

Luggage is a type of large bag that you carry all your posessions in while traveling. Without it, you'd be walking around the airport carrying all your stuff in your hands and it would look ridiculous. I've gone on trips before and forgotten to bring luggage with me and it's really a disaster. I highly suggest you consider buying some if you plan on traveling in the future.

However, not all luggage is the "same." In fact, they are quite different. Below is a list of types/models/brands of luggage and some information on their uses and purposes that you can use as a reference the next time you're in the market for a piece of shit luggage.

1. Flower suitcase

This beautiful model is posing with a small floral bag, which is quite lovely. Judging by the color of her hair I would guess that it's filled with sex toys.

27. Black leather luggage

This kind of luggage works great for skinny idiot women who think it's a fantastic decision to sit in the middle of the road and ponder their life.

2. Plaid luggage

This girl's luggage clashes with her plaid shirt. This would typically be a dealbreaker to any man with fashion sense, but she gets away with it because she's hot, and hot girls can get away with anything.

5. No luggage

This girl is sad. She has tons of stuff, but no luggage to put her stuff into. That's why she's sad - because she's ugly.

Attractive women get what they want, and every woman wants nice luggage.

1. Overpacked luggage

I cannot agree with the way this woman is treating her boyfriend's nice button-up shirts. The only reason she can get away with this is because she's hot.

Suit-case in point.

28. Again, same bullshit

If I were dating a woman who treated my clothing with such disrespect, I'd pack her into a suitcase and jettison her into the core of Venus.

Unless she were extremely attractive, in which lies my entire case that hot women get away with anything they want and have no excuse not to succeed in life.

3. Third world luggage

Some pictures I find online just make me sad. For example, this one.

These women in third world countries are so impoverished and uneducated that they think that the luggage we give them are hats.

11. Artsy French luggage

Sometimes artsy French girls will try to pack themselves inside their own luggage because they smell horrible and nobody on the plane wants to deal with their ugly French body odor.

4. "Totally asking for it" luggage

Why are you walking around train tracks dressed like that? God damn. Are women that stupid? Or do they secretly want it? It baffles the core of my being how female brains make decisions.

6. Expensive luggage

This girl is carrying her luggage, but not for long. Because she's hot. And hot girls don't have to carry anything if they don't want to.

8. See! What did I tell you?

Within moments a man springs from the woodwork to carry her luggage.

9. An old lady carrying a young hot girl's heavy-ass luggage. Does this not scream injustice? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Look how old she is! And look how entitled the girl is! That girl doesn't give 1/100th of a fuck about that old dying lady about to have a heart attack from hauling 500 pounds of her make-up and jewelry. Am I the only fair and virtuous human left?

6. Where the fuck are you going idiot

16. Brown square luggage

If you're in the market for new luggage, I strongly suggest dressing and looking like this person and having sex with me.

22. Objectively I dislike everything about this woman. Her facial expression bothers me, the way she's dressed, her dumb cock-to-the-side beret, and the way her left foot is tweaked in a helpless, "feminine" manner. It's so obnoxious. Her entire aesthetic is trite and disingenuous.

Yet, she's still totally gorgeous, and I'd love to go on a date with her again, and when she said, "Sorry, just not feeling the chemistry," it really hurt my feelings. That's how lame I am. I cannot wait for the human race to evolve past this dating shit and become wholly compassionate robots that have giant oily orgasms with each other every night because robots aren't plagued with archaeic fashions like pride and morality and STDs.

31. When I see this image, I assume the lady is Asian because I'm a racist fuck.

26. This girl looks like she was beaten across the nose bridge with a bat during her developmental years and she's still hotter than most of the girls I convince to go on a first date with me.

25. Look at this idiot's shoes

26. I hate luggage. Fuck luggage.

28. From now on I'm putting my clothing in plastic bags when I travel. F this shithole materialistic culture we live in. Let's evolve already.


Last updated January 12th, 2017

Another random article