Go home (ur drunk)

Bands that suck at being Iron Maiden.


Pretty close. Listen to The Trooper a few times. Notice how much Iron Maiden kicks ass and you don't? That's because you used the wrong lyrics, wrong melodies, wrong phrasing, and accidentally forgot to sound anything like Iron Maiden.

Hilary Duff

You could be more like Iron Maiden if you looked less like this:

And more like this:

Destiny's Child

Iron Maiden's music makes me wanna kill something. Your music makes me want to kill myself. Subtle difference.

Sum 41

You would sound like them if Iron Maiden got wasted and played their instruments as loud as possible. Actually, that would rock balls. Instead, replace "got wasted" with "were members of Sum 41".


Iron Maiden likes to make each song sound a little different from all the others. Try it some time.

Ashlee Simpson

The only iron maiden you'll ever be is the kind that gets wrinkles out of clothes. Lose hope and give up.


Your music would be a pleasurable experience if I were extremely high and the volume control was turned on low and your CD was resting on a pile of condoms in my trash can.


Jeez bitch, you're only ten. Quit music now so in eight years when I seduce you, you won't be a freaking nutcase. Just look what music did to Gwen Stefani.

Gwen Stefani

It was downhill after the Don't Speak video. Nowadays Gwen wears so much makeup, she gives me a blowjob and a pot of gold appears under my balls.


Dead on. You sound exactly like Iron Maiden. Good job.
Oops, not Shakira. I meant Iron Maiden.


There are several tricks Iron Maiden uses to make their music appealing. Here are a few you lack:

- Key changes
- Chord changes
- Note changes
- Beat changes
- Tempo changes
- Volume changes

Basically, your music changes less than Napoleon Dynamite's underwear.

50 Cent

Jack Johnson

Take the estrogen IV out of your arm when you write music.

Avril Lavigne

I've never heard your music or seen you perform, but I doubt your concerts look like this:


First, hire musicians who play real instruments and know how to sing. Then when you perform, turn your microphone way down. In fact, turn it off. Then go backstage, dig your face into a pillow, and sing until your vagina explodes.

Last updated January 21st, 2005

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